Radio Tenda America/Cuiaba
A laborterapia é uma técnica de reeducação do paciente que valoriza o trabalho físico ou mental, podendo ser voluntária ou beneficiada pela labuta. É utilizada no tratamento de dependência química e outros transtornos de saúde mental ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
manmohan sharma Indian/Christmas
xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6xvO7goDsD6Create your Free online radio station & get professional radio broadcasting software for your online streaming, FM, and community radio station only with Riggro Digital- The First and top-ranked Make in India radio broadcaster. You’ll be shaken to learn that setting up your internet radio station and reaching millions of people all over the world only takes 3 steps an
SideQuest Česká Republika Europe/Prague
SideQuest Česká Republika (SideQuestCZ) je nově začínající rádio. Výtvor pouze z vtipu, každopádně vysílání vždy o víkendu večer. vvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvv
Rádio Iracema America/Sao_Paulo
Uma rádio feita para som ambiente no trabalho, carro, em casa. Leva o nome de Iracema em homenagem a minha mãe. Aqui você vai ouvir o melhor da música de todos os tempos. Vai poder criar seu próprio conteúdo. Chega junto para me ajudar a fazer a melhor rádio digital do mundo.
80's Radio America/New_York
This radio station will play all eighties music on week days. Please enjoy the stream. No parts of this radio station is all run by humans, no artificial intelligence is used on this station. Someone will be live from 11:54 am to 12:04 pm. Please enjoy the music!
Platinum Radio America/New_York
Welcome To Platinum Radio Where The Most Gorgeous Models Run This Station Playing The Hottest Music Today ,Tomorrow ,Yesterday, Oldies,Rock,80s, If You Would Like To Hear A Song Please Feel Free To Request And We Will Be More Then Happy To Get That On Air For You ASAP Thank You For Tuning In
anRadio Africa/Mogadishu
Halkaan, waxaad ka heli kartaa barnaamij leh nuucyo kala duwan oo aad hawada si toos ah uga dhagaysan karto, Anradio waa wehelkaaga, waxaad si toos ah inaloofga socon kartaa dhamaan xarumaheena iyo bartaan mahadsanid. naga dhigo wehelkaaga walaal maha
Umut-FM Europe/Istanbul
Umut-FM RADYOMUZA HOŞ GELDİNİZ... “Müzik, en sıkı şekilde kapatılmış bir kalbi açan sihirli bir anahtardır.” "Yaşamın kendisi en muhteşem masaldır. " Geçmişi değiştiremeyiz ama gelecek halen avuçlarımızın içindedir.. Tüm güzellikler hepimizin yüreğine değsin..."
EURO FM Indian/Christmas
he early history of radio is the history of technology that produces and uses radio instruments that use radio waves. Within the timeline of radio, many people contributed theory and inventions in what became radio. Radio development began as "wireless telegraphy". Later radio history increasingly involves matters of broadcasting. he early history of radio is the history of technology that produces and uses radio instruments that use radio waves. Within the timeline of radio, many people contributed theory and inventions in what became radio. Radio development began as "wireless telegraphy". Later radio history increasingly involves matters of broadcasting.he early history of radio is the history of technology that produces and uses radio instruments that use radio waves. Within the timeli
Muck Creek Radio America/Indiana/Indianapolis
Muck Creek Radio is dedicated to Muck Creek Home Auto Farm and it's affiliated stores. In it you can find our store hours, sales and any upcoming events that may be of interest to the Frankfort, Lafayette, Flora region and surrounding areas. You can also enjoy our store music broadcast of easy listening music.